
Railway restrictions during Barum Czech Rally Zlín

23. 8. 2017 - Roman Ordelt

Railway transport will be restricted on Friday 25th August 2017 during the Spectators' Stage of Barum Czech Rally Zlín. The night stage in the streets of Zlín will also affect road and public transport.

Access to the following localities is restricted:
– Access to the railway station Zlín střed (alternative access will be provided by a route marshal of Barum Czech Rally Zlín)
– Slow trains from 4 p.m. to midnight will be replaced by buses:

From Vizovice to Otrokovice:
The following trains will be replaced: Os 14242, Os 14244, Os 14230, Os 14232 through stations Vizovice – Zlín – Malenovice, Zlín střed – square náměstí Práce.
Vl. 14234 through stations Vizovice – Zlín střed – square náměstí Práce.
Passengers going to station Zlín střed, will get off on an alternative station in square náměstí Práce due to closed access to main station.

From Otrokovice to Vizovice
The following trains will be replaced: Os 14243, Os 14245, Os 14247, Os 14231, Os 14233 in stations Zlín – Malenovice – Vizovice, Zlín střed – square náměstí Práce. Train no. 14235 in stations Zlín střed – náměstí Práce – Vizovice will be numbered as Rx 897 and leaves from station square náměstí Práce at 10:30 p.m.
Train no. Rx 897 will be replaced by bus in sections Otrokovice – Zlín střed – square náměstí Práce
Passengers going to station Zlín střed, will get off on an alternative station in square náměstí Práce due to closed access to main station.

Public transport: bus stop Zlín – Dlouhá will be relocated to bus stop Bří. Jaroňků due to the rally.
After the end of Spectators' Special Stage (Saturday 26th August 2017), ČD (Czech Railways) will deploy additional trains on sections Zlín střed – Vizovice, Zlín střed – Otrokovice.
– Train Os 11026 Zlín střed – Otrokovice leaves from station Zlín střed at 0:25 a.m.
– Train Os 11027 Zlín střed – Vizovice leaves from station Zlín střed at 1:10 a.m.

The above mentioned trains go according to special timetable made public at all railway stations and the tract 331 and on webpage of Czech Railways ČD, a.s. In these trains, tickets are only valid under the issued tariff of Czech Railways ČD, a.s. (TR10) and under the integrated public transport system of Zlín and Otrokovice.