
Rally crews change cars for bikes

20. 8. 2017 - Roman Ordelt

On Friday 25th August 2017 Zlín holds the premiere edition of Zlín bikes, which is a sort of cycling rally for everyone and its route copies the one for Spectators' Super Special Stage before historic vehicles and the top rally cars of Barum Czech Rally Zlín get on it. Several rally crews participating in the 47th Barum rally are also coming to bike.

'We've successfully arranged an exception for the crews with the FIA, so it's not considered as an unauthorized practice and they can come to Zlín bikes too,' Ing. Jan Regner said, deputy of the Clerk of Barum Czech Rally Zlín. Zlín bikes is organised by the city of Zlín in cooperation with Barum Czech Rally Zlín and is supported by ČERVENÉ MRAVCE rally team. While biking on the city circuit you can meet drivers like Martin Březík, Richard Pravda and Tomáš Kostka, who has expressed huge interest in this event and he is one of the favourites of this year's rally. 'We're sure that other drivers will sign up as well and Zlín bikes would therefore become an integral part of Barum rally for years to come. Since the ceremonial start is taking place at the same time, the crews will only take one round on the circuit or join people during the event.' Jan Regner added.

Zlín bikes is about having fun and no matter your finish time, presents will be waiting in the end! The most inventive and imaginative clothing and bikes and the team comprising of the most cyclist will be rewarded. You can choose whatever kind of bike you want, it can be a racing bicycle, mountain, velocipede and even a scooter.

You can sign up online on web page, the event is free of charge and the minimum age limit is 12 years old. There are three categories – men, women (both riding 3 rounds) and kids age 12 to 18 (1 round). Deadline for online application is on Tuesday 22nd August at 1 p.m. The background of the event will be situated around the Zlín castle in Svoboda Park, the start and finish line is on Bartošova Street. Start of Zlín bikes is scheduled at 4:30 p.m. Registration of cyclists begins at noon and the race should end by 5:45 p.m.