Project Marrow4Tomorrow already interested 1001 potential donors
30. 8. 2016 - Martina Kobližková
Thanks to the campaign Marrow4Tomorrow there appeared 1001 new potential bone marrow donors since its launch at the Barum Czech Rally Zlín 2015. This year's edition attracted during four days 430 new members!
For the second time the Barum Czech Rally Zlín wasn't only about fast cars, but also about charity project Marrow4Tomorrow. Its main objective is to bring as many as possible new potential bone marrow donors to the Czech national donors' registry. The campaign was established and organized by advertising agency Reklamní inženýří which processed the campaign also this year. Blood samples collection was run in two important locations related to the Barum rally – on náměstí Míru square in Zlín where was held start and finish of the rally, and in service area in Otrokovice. The team lead by Mrs. Zdena Wasserbauerová had lot of work to do, however their effort was awarded with success.
„I'm happy that during four days there appeared so many new potential donors. Statistically we can now help to nine patients because every 120th registered become a real donor," comments the campaign success Mrs. Wassebauerová who managed in her career to encourage thousands people to enter the donors' registry.
„I feel pleasure that the project marrow4Tomorrow continues with Czech Autoclub support and still has very positive feedback. Rally fans again proved that their hearts are on the right place," says Ing. Jan Regner, the deputy Clerk of the course at the Barum rally.
„The activity with organizing this campaign at the Barum rally is respectable. Bringing more than 400 new people in the registry in just one weekend is unbelievable. Just few years back such amount of new registry entries was about 3 months time work. Thank you!" says MUDr. Pavel Jindra, Ph.D. from the Czech national bone marrow registry.
„People are willing to help other ones but you have to go toward them. Bone marrow donation is wrongfully linked to painful thoughts, but these are caused only with insufficient knowledge. Our aim is to explain to people, what is the registration about and how the donation itself is processed," explains Martina Kobližková from the Reklamní inženýři agency.
The project Marrow4Tomorrow after Barum Czech Rally Zlín continues at another important motorsport event – at the Czech Truck Prix held on racing circuit in Most from 2 to 4 September 2016.