
The longest jumps will be awarded

18. 8. 2016 - Evžen Gargulák

For this year's Barum Czech Rally Zlín, the organisers prepared two very attractive jumps in their own spectators' zones with screening on LED screens. Both places will be with live commentary for maximum enjoyment. First jump is on SS Březová and second one on a favourite SS Maják on premises of company VLW Malenovice. Both jumps are not only meant for fans, but for the crews as well. Those who jump the longest will get interesting prizes.

The first jump is situated in a popular spectators' zone Verva Arena on SS Březová. Fans might remember this SS under the name Slušovice, but it was renamed due to track changes. 'Because this year's route is not passing through racecourse in Slušovice, we decided to change its name to SS Březová. The direction of the route was also changed. Spectators will not miss out on a popular half-circle model, thus they will see crews' passages twice,' cleared out Ing. Jan Regner, Deputy of Clerk of the Course.

The name of this jump is 'U Johana'. Local fans are clear on the origin of this name. For many years, the price for the longest jump has been a grilled pig provided by a Zlín-based restaurant and pension U Johana. 'This price is traditional for this jump. I think, it is something that the driver and his team will fully enjoy. The grilled pig is one of our products and it is great, that the crew can get something tangible for their accomplishments,' said Jan Baloš, owner of the renowned restaurant.

The second jump with an interesting prize awaits on SS Maják. This jump is on premises of company VLW in Malenovice and its name is Opel Jump! The longest jump here will be awarded by thirty thousand CZE (circa 1 110 EUR). Fans can also bet on the longest jumping crew. Information about the contest is available on official Facebook page of Barum Czech Rally Zlín.

Organisers are trying to prepare something new and interesting for fans every year. 'I think there is always something new for our fans. This year it is Opel Jump!, where we expect jumps over twenty metres long. The price can motivate drivers and provide an extra entertainment for fans,' said Jan Regner.