Benzina again the main partner of the Barum Czech Rally Zlín experience programme
18. 8. 2015 - Benzina
For the second year in a row Benzina continues in the partnership with Barum Czech Rally Zlín. The leader on the Czech market with automobile propellants rejoins the successful experience programme which debuted back in 2014.
This year Benzina again brings many adrenaline activities which are newly extended with new features. That for example means that rally fans can after adrenaline experience relax at Stop Cafe mobile buffet where they can relax with a cup of coffee or taste a crunchy hot dog. Finally spectators will meet Benzina directly at the rally route – in well known spectators' place Verva Arena at the special stage Slušovice rally crews will compete for the longest jump!
"Most of spectators are only passive watchers of sportsmen showing their active performance. Our aim is to move this border so the fans can taste the feelings which the rally drivers have during the race," says Ing. Jan Regner, the Deputy of CoC. This thought led to the idea of arranging activities, which would enable people to experience the rally in unparalleled ways. "Previous year we found an ideal partner for this programme – the Benzina company. Therefore we have decided to repeat our cooperation," adds Regner.
Benzina continues its campaign called 'DRIVE ON FULL!' in which the company wants to entertain its customers with large portion of adventure, adrenaline and extreme experience. "Adrenaline activities were in previous year warmly appreciated and so we are happy to introduce something more and new for the upcoming programme. Beside helicopter flight and co-drive in a rally car there will be available for example a flight with a gyrocopter," says Mrs. Agnieszka Bobrukiewicz, the Head of the Benzina marketing department.
"We believe that for rally enthusiasts there isn't important only the adrenaline experience, but also possibility to look behind the scene. Therefore there will be again possibility to join one of the rally teams in the Barum Czech Rally Zlín Service park located in Otrokovice so people can take a chat with drivers and look under bonnets of the competition cars. All activities can be chosen separately or ordered together in one package," explains Regner.
For those who prefer watching rally cars on the special stage routes there is prepared spectators' Verva Arena placed on the route of Slušovice special stage. The biggest attraction of this large and spectators'-friendly locality will be a competition for the longest jump. In previous year the bravest rally drivers jumped almost 15 meters far!
And if the spectators would get hungry they can visit the mobile buffet Stop Cafe where they can get several types of hot dogs and coffees – just like in Benzina petrol stations.
All information about the Barum Czech Rally Zlín programme can be found at www.czechrally.com, experience programme is in details described at www.rallynaplno.cz.